The following guidelines will ensure everyone's visit is enjoyable from start to finish.
Guests must contact the hotel directly at 262.547.0201 to make reservations.
The Ingleside Hotel welcomes dogs only. No other pets are allowed on property.
The number of pet rooms at the hotel are limited and based on availability.
Pets must be registered during check-in at the front desk.
A $40 pet fee per night, per dog (up to 2 dogs max) will be charged at the time of arrival. Fee includes one sWag Bag per dog.
Guests are responsible for any damage or disruption pets may cause.
While visiting, guests must:
Display the supplied door hanger on the outside of your guest room at all times during your stay.
Dogs must be on leash at all times when not in guest room.
Guests will need to make arrangements to have their pet out of the room for housekeeping and maintenance.
Up-to-date vaccination record required.
Dogs are not allowed in meeting rooms, Didi's Supper Club, Springs Water Park, the indoor pool, and fitness room.
Pets must only be walked on the designated pet area(s) on the hotel grounds.
Guest are responsible for cleaning up after the pet on hotel grounds and properly disposing of the waste in the outside dumpster or as otherwise designated.